Democrats are some of the best at doing very strange things with money & then projecting their odious behavior onto everyone else while still living pretty nicely. Very few people really call it out either.

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The system is so rotten I don't think it can ever be reformed. Did you see the recent news on celebrities abusing the pandemic relief funds?

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I had just heard of random individuals making anonymous shell corporations to get them.

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Chris Brown and Lil Wayne were two of them. Already loaded and still stealing anyway.

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Believe it, it was the thing to do in the music business then and even today. There is lots of soft and hard extortion, for all the celebrities who got caught there are many more in that world who didn't get noticed because they aren't famous, at least to the public but the entire production world has its own "influencer" culture and they definitely get paid, probably tax-free and protected by the people who tithe them.

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Oh, god, there was a movie producer in Chicago who used me for odd jobs who thought I thought he might give me a role someday… I was just there to see what outrageous thing he would try to do next, out of curiosity.

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I wouldn't be surprised if I worked for that guy too, unfortunately. I stayed around for similar reasons. Most of the individuals I dealt with were established middle-management paper pushers for corporate entertainment giants, often with their own LLCs that are connected to the business, they live in million-dollar homes near places like Erewhon and use the structure of the business to get away with what they do, if you don't donate to them you find yourself black listed or punished financially. They don't actually do anything either other than have access to fame.

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