Hang on—I haven’t been paying that much attention to the news, so I might have missed something, but am I the only person who has noticed the implications of the amount of debt Kamala Harris’s campaign racked up in the 2024 election?
I mean, they started with a billion dollars and yet weeks later they can’t pay their true-believing staff?
Sheesh. If those people are still Democrats after the smoke clears, they have brain damage. Not to mention all the small donors whose money the Big Boss Lady gave to her impoverished pal Oprah to get her through the end of the month. I won’t even give Andrew Yang money again, because he gave my email to BOTH fuckhead teams, and now they’ll be costing me storage space in Gmail till the end of eternity.
You want to pay to save the world by lining Beyoncé’s pockets?
Severe, quasi-lobotomy brain damage. (And this is coming from someone who CLEARLY has brain damage from typhus, but that’s a long story for another day.)
I can’t believe everyone didn’t instantly see this; then again I still can’t believe that some of you were never bothered by overhead fluorescent lights.
But, for all the millions of people who seem to have made a Substack this week, dubbing themselves editors and writers, there are a lot of things that only I seem to care about.
Well, till about a week later, when you plagiarize it.
Anyway, if the Harris campaign was that far in debt, isn’t it pretty clear that they intended to use the presidency to generate money for payola?
I’m severely jetlagged, but still cannot believe this is not a huge scandal. Why aren’t small Democrat Party donors up in arms that their little five-dollar scraped-up donations are being wolfed down by celebrities who don’t even have the true political convictions in what they mouth to do an appearance for free?
I mean, that makes it pretty likely that they have no idea what they are saying, doesn’t it?
That should scare you. Here, have some turkey, Merry Christmas.
Democrats are some of the best at doing very strange things with money & then projecting their odious behavior onto everyone else while still living pretty nicely. Very few people really call it out either.
The system is so rotten I don't think it can ever be reformed. Did you see the recent news on celebrities abusing the pandemic relief funds?