Fucking sue her and turn her in for fraud and identity theft. Otherwise I am just going to think it's more antics. Stand up for yourself. Fuck her. She's a fucking creep.
Unfortunately, the statute of limitations for the crime of embezzlement has already passed. She should have been in prison, but she left me in the hands of a rapist and then ten years’ worth of horror followed.
But I don’t GAF about your stupid opinion, if you read this and that’s what you extracted.
Who the fuck do you think you are, “JessicaJ2”? You can go and believe the earth is flat for all I care.
Fuck you too ya dumb bitch for not even knowing how to get actual verification of the money trail. You shouldn't be entrusted with it if you don't know how to manage it. I feel for you but honestly both of you suck and funnel plagiarize and shit. I think it's just a schitck bc honestly who just doesn't call the police when you get robbed. I have everytime and even at gun point and don't blame her for the rape, that's the fault of the person who raped you, she did mind rape you though it seems and your response is furthering that I think you both are full of shit.
But to answer your implied question, I was rather busy putting a rapist in prison, which seemed higher on the priorities list, as it was clear his next trick was to murder someone, and the Illinois legal system can only handle about one felony at a time.
However, this is a bit like talking to a brick wall, since clearly you have enjoyed a ridiculously cushy life. May it not last.
So you can still civilly sue her if this was legit as well as how odd I find it you didn't mention the identity theft on a grifter while putting a rapist in jail. I smell bullshit. Sorry not sorry. Sue her cause as you said there's damages. Otherwise forgive me if I'm suspicious AF especially if you had been established and funds were in one account. How did she get her hands on the money in the first place?
Google how to sue someone who damaged me in my area. We're done here. I think you both are full of shit. At least you got to jail your rapist. I think going Arya Stark on the assholes is appropriate. Mind rapists too. Drag her ass to court. Demand the bank records.
Fucking sue her and turn her in for fraud and identity theft. Otherwise I am just going to think it's more antics. Stand up for yourself. Fuck her. She's a fucking creep.
But yes, fuck her, she is a creep.
Unfortunately, the statute of limitations for the crime of embezzlement has already passed. She should have been in prison, but she left me in the hands of a rapist and then ten years’ worth of horror followed.
But I don’t GAF about your stupid opinion, if you read this and that’s what you extracted.
Who the fuck do you think you are, “JessicaJ2”? You can go and believe the earth is flat for all I care.
Fuck you too ya dumb bitch for not even knowing how to get actual verification of the money trail. You shouldn't be entrusted with it if you don't know how to manage it. I feel for you but honestly both of you suck and funnel plagiarize and shit. I think it's just a schitck bc honestly who just doesn't call the police when you get robbed. I have everytime and even at gun point and don't blame her for the rape, that's the fault of the person who raped you, she did mind rape you though it seems and your response is furthering that I think you both are full of shit.
But to answer your implied question, I was rather busy putting a rapist in prison, which seemed higher on the priorities list, as it was clear his next trick was to murder someone, and the Illinois legal system can only handle about one felony at a time.
However, this is a bit like talking to a brick wall, since clearly you have enjoyed a ridiculously cushy life. May it not last.
So you can still civilly sue her if this was legit as well as how odd I find it you didn't mention the identity theft on a grifter while putting a rapist in jail. I smell bullshit. Sorry not sorry. Sue her cause as you said there's damages. Otherwise forgive me if I'm suspicious AF especially if you had been established and funds were in one account. How did she get her hands on the money in the first place?
If you know any good lawyers, feel free to send them my way.
Google how to sue someone who damaged me in my area. We're done here. I think you both are full of shit. At least you got to jail your rapist. I think going Arya Stark on the assholes is appropriate. Mind rapists too. Drag her ass to court. Demand the bank records.
Wow, this really made me care about your opinion, great job.
"To me, now, she looks like a broken Roomba." She appears like that to a lot of people.
thank you!
Ugh, I heard it too. With sort of a snakelike hissing.
Why do people gotta be so strange? And yet boring