Fantastic piece.

In a system where incentives are aligned in such a way that greed and reinforcing the status quo are rewarded, while creativity and innovation are stifled to the extent that they interfere with the former, the smartest people are, in fact, the worst people, for exactly the reasons you broke down.

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Actually creativity and innovation are diverted perversely to stifle themselves.

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Thank you so much! Please, tell your friends; I’ve had my life stolen a couple of times. By… well, they weren’t that smart, but their parents were.

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Galileo insulted an Italian Prince , his sponsor, who was obligated to respond. He referred to the Defender of The Ptolemaic earth centered cosmos as “Simplucus” This Italian Prince was the Pope. Galileo was then done in by Peer Review of fellow astronomers.

Which is how the Church always did it, the mob of peasants never does appear in the real Church history. It was always scholars.

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Excellent Stack.

My kind of person. I am in the UK but spend most of my time watching the US. So much so that someone asked me about radiation tests in the UK and I didn't have a clue because I kept following the US 🤦‍♂️

ANYWAY hopefully Trump will pull you all back to some sort of normality. I look forward to reading some more of your Stack


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Thank you, sir!

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Intelligence is independent of the use to which it's put, such as having an adequate understanding of epistemology. If that's not needed to succeed, in a stupid world, you won't develop it.

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I am a writer of average intellect at best. I'm also on deadline. So coming across you and this article has cost me time. Damn you. I must confess that I didn't apprehend everything in the piece (see first sentence above). But your way with words had me mesmerized. May have to go down the NOD rabbit hole now. Damn you agin!

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Heheheheheh my work here has only begun… thank you!

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This is gold.

Our biggest problem is genius-level psychopaths. They are one in 10000 -- 35000 in the USA alone -- and they crave and seek institutional power more than anyone.

There should be 35000 genius-level saints as well, but I suspect they're too humble to seek power.

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Actually... now that I think about it, maybe we need to start digging in the psychopath genii's yards and freezers. We might find our saints!2

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Thank you!

Yeah, that’s a good if disturbing point! The saints need to get off their ass and take some assertiveness training, I guess.

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Holy fucking shit, Ann. First, damn you! I'm working on an article on this very topic, and you beat me to it! (I'll still publish--the focus is slightly different).

Second, if you and I weren't both happily married I would propose to you sight-unseen based on this article alone. It is always a privilege to watch your mind work, but sometimes, like with this article, it's a fucking triumph worthy of Caesar. BRAVO!

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Thank you! Also, I know that feeling well. I guess that’s the price of having your ear to the ground. You hear everything, but so does everyone else who has the same idea. Please send me yours when it’s done!

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Will do!

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Well, I don't know if I qualify as woo woo but I will say that Hemingway is right, this world will break you. Its in the in the remaking where the wind howls in through those badly restacked bricks that passes for knowledge. The genius of modern society is to give idiots authority as gatekeepers and enforcers. This way the evil and stupidity is hidden by aggressive tactics.

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I barely got through high school and dropped out of community college, about 10 years ago I finally discovered I have a learning disability & vision problems so I have had to figure out stuff the hard way, but I do have some amazing glasses now. Over the years I have worked along side people who have big fancy degrees from very expensive colleges who are dumber than me, they are respected for their intellect and education but I always wonder who drafted up the barometer or intellect anyway, if I can catch your dumbness then you are seriously dumb even if you got great grades in school. Agreed, smart people can really be a curse on society.

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Academic credentials prove compliance, indicate knowledge, and say nothing of understanding.

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I have a friend JB, who is probably just above mean intelligence, who once said to me, "Boogie, the problem with you smart people is that sometimes you don't know how to get out of your own way."

I can't remember the context, but he was right. And in that moment, also very wise.

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People who have to figure things out the hard way aren’t dumb. they’re the only place anything decent ever comes from.

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Hear hear!

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Great rant!

I’ve always thought it interesting that only in times of great abundance on the human timeline do we have time for people to sit around and philosophize about humanity. Which generally leads to these self absorbed and self proclaimed geniuses who think they can outsmart humanity, and these men breed. Then some sort of fourth turning happens and you gotta fight just to keep from starving to death or your women getting enslaved. Then the strong men who aren’t removed from reality get to breed with the strong women. Cycle of humanity I suppose. These morons can pretend whatever they want is real, but they won’t be free of consequences of their actions.

Good read Ann.

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Thank you!

Yeah—I grew up in a rather less privileged situation, so it took mer a while to realize exactly how detached from reality most middle-class people became in the past few decades. It’s freakish. I’m afraid they may be nutted by reality soon, and I don’t just mean their team losing the game, I mean election—I mean stuff that’s probably going to be even worse for me. I wonder if they’ll realize they’re not Einstein, ever. Or at least notice they might have had an answer or two wrong.

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I am pleased that it seems a number of the lesser than extreme people seem to have gotten tired of the complete nonsense.

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Thanks! On the other hand, I am kind of a way-pre-walk-away OG here; after writing for leftist newspapers in the aughts I wrote for Takis in the 2010s.

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I listened to a few of your rants, you’re legit OG Ann! Damn fine American.

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Thank you, sir!!

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One of Galileo’s middle fingers is still on display at the Museo Galileo in Firenze, as are either or both of mine, wherever I am, upon request

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ha, just as he would have liked it!

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