Excellent piece, and one can only hope to one day see this happen.

Sad to see half of the comments on this post still spewing such vitriol, though.

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Ann, you might like my work: www.american-anger.com. I work on reducing toxic polarization full-time these days. Thanks for your efforts!

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Yeah, it is a cycle like that.

But too many people are getting too mucn attention and cash out of it to stop.

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I tried to feed this vapidly profane stream of narcissistic blather into ChatGPT to get a coherent summary but it just kept producing the vomit emoji. What's up with that?

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I am sorry for your mental retardation.

That has to be hard.

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This was refreshing. Knock it off, indeed.

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Thank you! Please share it as much as possible; I know that’s a jackass thing to beg for, but I feel strongly enough about this that aesthetics have to take a backseat.

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No quarter for the Demonrats.

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Yeah, you're right. My fault.

I'll call the rest of the gang tomorrow, and tell them to knock it off.

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Don’t forget Pete, Fatima, and Sleazy Penguin

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Zoom call went pretty well Re: "Ann's plan," though to the surprise of noone, Sleazy Penguin erupted 4:20 minutes into the call and refused to work with "faggoty r-tards and yid lovers."

Cancelled lol.

In seriousness, I'm new to substack and not really "online" but this was a great essay, first thing I've read here that appealed to me and wasn't just, like, riffing on crappy old philosophical tropes. So thank youm

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Heheh thank you! I know what you mean. All my own fresh home grown bs here!

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The flow! And some of this is really quotable! Well done. Yeah, and message was pretty good to. Thanks.

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Thank you so much! Go forth and be reasonable!

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This was fuckin brilliant woman!! I’m still a little shocked you were able to weave complex historical concepts, politics, sociology, psychology and able to say you have a boner even though you don’t have a dick. Wow! Well fuckin done!

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Hee hee hee hee thank you so VERY much!

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Too bad. The Left is Anti-White. They don't want peace, they don't want brotherhood. They want to kill all the White People and they won't stop until they get it.

Nothing Good Has Ever Happened.

Ashes and Echoes

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I thought your description of Godzilla was harsh.

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Hahahah! Sorry, big lizard dude.

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Oct 1
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Hey, it sounds like JDFree isn’t interested in lying. Why don’t you two go off and have a civilised chat? You can’t seriously imagine half the country is lying on purpose. Maybe they’re being lied TO. Or perhaps… you are being lied to. Or both. It happens.

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Oct 3
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Do you seriously believe the blue team leaders dragging you around by the nose ring don’t lie as well?

Here’s a budget tip for ya, kid: The stripper is PRETENDING to like you.

I think you missed the point.

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Can you go say dumb shit to someone else?

I'm tired of what illiterate morons think devastating arguments are.

You Republicans are all so fucking stupid that you same dumb shit like this non-stop and are incapable of making better arguments.

Fucking bots.

Feel free to lie about how you're actually an independent and I'm too brainwashed. That's the normal response from your model chatbot.

Y'all choose stupidity.

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(And no one is arguing with you, as you are not sentient.)

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You’re the one who’s on my page ranting and raving like a jackass. You are free to leave.

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Do more shadow work. Your obsession with, "lies," says more about you than Donald Trump...

People lie all the time. You seem to lie often...

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Lol so you just lie a lot and are justifying it by spiritual bypassing?

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No. A man is simply more than his lies.

You don't like Donald Trump so much because he's genuine... It has nothing to do with his actual character and it shows.

You have clearly denied your being so much you have no concept of one. The ultimate lie... how erratic you are. Many such cases in Techno-capitalism

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Lol lying is the opposite of genuine.

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The founding principle of all left-wing movements is that words are power constructs. That is, that "everybody lies" and all that matters is being good at it.

Honesty is a right-wing - and only a right-wing - principle. That doesn't mean that right-wing people are never wrong, because it's hard to find truth in a world full of lies even when you want to. But it does mean that right-wing people are trying to tell the truth.

Left-wing people are not.

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Hilarious, considering almost everything Trump says is false.

But your post is the perfect encapsulation of the right wing lie machine, "Whatever we say is the truth because truth is a right wing thing. Here is an idiotic strawman about the left to back up my dipshit beliefs."

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We don't need Straw men.

We have you

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You've already told me you have no integrity. I don't need you in my life.

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Have I, oh truthful one?

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