personal spectacle and the allure of the individual is now its own billboard.

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Ha.... Love this!

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Sep 8Liked by Ann K Sterzinger

The truth about art, any art, is that its your art if you would make it, care about it, hone it, without it returning anything material. You really don't have a genuine answer to this, until you've been ripped off and thrown under the bus more than once, and watched others take your efforts and chuckle at their new profits.

The emphasis always is to make something popular, that the masses will purchase to keep you going. But the masses want cheap, something that competes in price for the thoughtless crap they buy and toss aside.

Art though, true art isn't like that, and good art, and great art first has to disturb. It has to evade any comfortable displays, survive the lowliest cravings to make itself felt besides the thousands of useless welts one earns through creating it.

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Very well said!

At certain points in your life you have to put on “In My Room” and remember why you started.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Ann K Sterzinger

Impresarios have a bunch of clerical staff who are just as back stabbing as they are if not worse, cannibals probably have more ethos, if artists only understood where most of their advances go they would shatter into a million pieces.

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Glum yet hilarious!

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I feel like I’ve started one of those vaguely threatening chain letters: « If you don’t restack this, you’ll have eight years of bad luck… »

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