That's true here in Michigan as well. Some of the old pre War urban neighborhoods that were built of concrete & brick, shitty and neglected as they may be, have held up better than the post-war tract houses & apts that are made of ticky-tacky and that fall apart & then get burned. Cheap rents though and bricks stop bullets pretty too.

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Ha! they probably weren’t thinking about stopping bullets, but I guess anythng that stops cold air has as good of a chance as anything;…

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Trying to build anything here is insane. The permit department has the final say. I survived them thousands of dollars later. They make rules that make no sense, but if you don't do what they say, you don't get your home. Unless you are homeless, then build away and do whatever you want.

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Why do all the new governments prefer scofflaws to normal people trying to do something?????

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Here it is a powerful union that protects these people, if I wanted to be an asshole I could report anyone's home to the permit office then it is game on, you will go into the hole thousands of dollars they fine you while they take their sweet ass time to tell you what is wrong with your property & then you gotta fix it. It is a job for paper pushers.

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I couldn't have ranted this better! Bravo, lady! I hated Southern California. Couldn't believe relatives love it. Eeeesh.

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Thank you! the landscape itself—heartbreakingly beautiful. I love the desert.

The million square acres of oiled rags and smoldering shrubs? Not a winner.

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What get me is how fast every wants to point a finger at a person NOW. Anyone in puplic office in that region has known the risks. But there is 100 years of collective bad judgement that the PUBLIC has never been interested in addressing through their behavior or their politics. Nobody in government wanting to keep the job has been able to say to a developer, "you can't build whole towns out of Strike Anywhere matches right on top of one another in the FUCKING DESERT!"

From the very start California's history is one of never acknowledging it's geographic/ecological limits. Only unbridled economic expansion at all costs. Pointing fingers NOW without looking in the mirror is scapegoating.

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Yup! But everyone just gets another drink, says “mellow out,” and gets their kidneys flushed again in the morning.

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I see Grok insists on multi-racial families. Of course it does.

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